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Crushed by Nipsey Hussle's Death: "I Just Can't Believe You Gone!" HipHopDX April 1, 2019 12:57 pm

Crushed by Nipsey Hussle's Death: "I Just Can't Believe You Gone!"April 1, 2019

Instagram/The Game

Los Angeles, CA – Like many of Nipsey Hussle’s peers, The Game was an emotional wreck on Sunday (March 31) after the Grammy Award-nominated rapper was shot and killed outside of his Los Angeles clothing store.

Around 4 a.m. local time, The Game hopped in his car and drove down Slauson Avenue, the same street where Nipsey was gunned down. During the drive, the audibly distraught veteran rapper recorded an Instagram Live video and broke down.

“Over here driving down Slauson, driving down Slauson, 4 in the morning ’cause I can’t sleep affer finding out what happened to Nip, man,” he says. “Why niggas do the homie like that? In his own muthafuckin’ shop? In his own hood? Just trying to do good for nigga. This shit crazy, man. I can’t even fuckin’ sleep.

“I’m disgusted by shit. That’s how y’all do the homie? In his own city? In his own hood? His own place of business? That’s how niggas do niggas? L.A. on some bullshit!”

The Game’s sentiments didn’t end there. He also penned a poignant tribute to Nip on his Instagram page. He talked about the first time they met and revealed they’d just spoken on the phone the night before his murder.

“Rolled down my window 12 years ago on Crenshaw & Slauson as you handed me your demo & said ‘Chuck, don’t frisbee my shit homie… give a young nigga a ear.’ From that day to letting you open up for me on tour & us going around the world together, creating a bond & watching your growth to today…… Murdered my friend in front of his own store on a Sunday at that !!!

“After just talking to you on the phone just last night about the Dr. Sebi documentary, family, the kids & how we were both bout to f&$k the summer up with this music, the world loses a true king. A man that was truly about everything he spoke & stood up for all that he believed in.”

losangelesconfidentialRolled down my window 12 years ago on Crenshaw & Slauson as you handed me your demo & said “Chuck, don’t frisbee my shit homie... give a young nigga a ear”. From that day to letting you open up for me on tour & us going around the world together, creating a bond & watching your growth to today...... Murdered my friend in front of his own store on a Sunday at that !!! After just talking to you on the phone just last night about the Dr. Sebi documentary, family, the kids & how we were both bout to f&$k the summer up with this music, the world loses a true king. A man that was truly about everything he spoke & stood up for all that he believed in. I keep seeing your name in these headlines bro, but it seems unreal to me.... like, I just cannot believe you gone !!!! I love you..... I’m really broken & saddened by the fact they did this to you SMMFH !!!!! I can only imagine what your family is going through right now... This was not how your life on earth was supposed to end !!!!!!!! They don’t even make friends like you no more...... @nipseyhussle & in LA, at his own store ?!?!? A store & business he put there for his people ?!?!? Los Angeles, how we let this happen ?!?!?!?!? I’m ashamed of you right now !!!!! Can’t even live out ya whole life in this city no more... this shit right here is just krazy to me !!!!!!!!!!!! #RestInPeaceNip can’t even fuckin believe it’s actually your name attached to all these REST IN PEACE posts !!!!! SMFH

As The Game continued, he expressed the shock he was feeling.

“I keep seeing your name in these headlines bro, but it seems unreal to me…. like, I just cannot believe you gone !!!! ” he added. “I love you….. I’m really broken & saddened by the fact they did this to you SMMFH !!!!! I can only imagine what your family is going through right now… This was not how your life on earth was supposed to end !!!!!!!! They don’t even make friends like you no more…… @nipseyhussle & in LA, at his own store ?!?!?

“A store & business he put there for his people ?!?!? Los Angeles, how we let this happen ?!?!?!?!? I’m ashamed of you right now !!!!! Can’t even live out ya whole life in this city no more… this shit right here is just krazy to me !!!!!!!!!!!! #RestInPeaceNip can’t even fuckin believe it’s actually your name attached to all these REST IN PEACE posts !!!!! SMFH.”

Nip was shot at least six times. Emergency responders attempted to do CPR on him before rushing him to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. Two other people were also shot and are currently in the hospital.

No arrests have been made yet

1 Comment

Oct 19, 2021

Grrateful for sharing this

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